Free shipping on all orders over SGD 100

Return & Exchange

For In-Store Purchases with Home Delivery request & Online orders

Returns Exchange

For items delivered that are spoilt or nearing their expiry dates.
The item returned shall be un-used, tags not tampered with and shall be in the original brand packaging (if applicable).

For items delivered that are spoilt or nearing their expiry dates.
The item that requires exchange shall be un-used, tags not tampered with and shall be in the original brand packaging (if applicable).

The item has to be returned within 3 days from the date of delivery

A $5 service fee will be applied for our friendly delivery man to collect your item(s) for return from your home.

The item has to be returned within 3 days from the date of delivery

A $5 service fee will be applied for our friendly delivery man to collect your item(s) for return from your home.

Please call our Delivery Hotline, 6245 1171 to arrange for a return.

Please call our Delivery Hotline, 6245 1171, to arrange for an exchange.

The refund amount will include the amount paid by you after any discount was applied to the returned item and excludes any delivery fees and other service fees applied in your order.

No refund is given if the exchanged item is of lower value.

The quality evaluation process may take 2 to 4 business days once the item reaches the Warehouse.

The refund process will only begin after we have completed evaluating your return item and if it is deemed to be a valid return. If it is an invalid return, the item will be sent back to you (the customer).

Dessert Guru reserves the right to change the terms & conditions above at any time without prior notice.